To begin planting we will need the soil to dry and then we will begin. The soil temperature which is measured at a depth of 4" is about 10 degrees below normal and won't support corn germination until it reaches 55 degrees.
By this date we should be at least 50% planted. We hope to begin next week.
I need to get done with planting so I can begin with putting more time in to getting ready for Blogstock. There are lawns to mow, weeds to spray, berms to rejuvenate, paint to slap on, and of course the main thing, golf.
If we aren't planted by the time you get here for Blogstock, don't get too friendly with us or we may follow you home. We'll be looking for a new home if we don't raise a crop.
It's been mentioned before but please begin getting a couple of pages of info to Ralph. These won't be put on the net but a booklet will be handed out. My couple of pages will include 2 of my favorite posts I've written, a pic of my family or two and a short write up telling you about who I am.