If you can't find it in this picture then I guess I can't explain it. The Co-Best men posed for a picture with the 'officiant' as they are described by Colorado law. The officiant doesn't need to be an umpire but if the wedding is going to be on a baseball field, then it's okay. The umpire isn't really an umpire but he plays one during weddings.
Several months ago I got a call and was told that I was going to be asked to perform a wedding ceremony. One side of me wanted to say no. The thinking being that I didn't need the chance to mess up someone else's wedding. But the overwhelming sentiment from within was a feeling of honor that these two, Desiree and Nate, would think as much of me as I do of them. Nate is Ralph and Char's son and Desiree and her children have together become part of this farm family and we to theirs. All of this coupled with the fact that it was so far in advance of the wedding that it was really something that would never happen. Maybe with luck I would succumb to Blog Flu or perhaps cancer, well in advance of the event. No such luck.
Some of you know I do my best work when under extreme pressure and although I traveled to Denver with the words I wanted to say, all in my computer, the segments were not arranged in proper order, nor were they until game day morning. Err..the day of the wedding. The grooms mother, Char, who is a computer genius, and who had too much to do that day, calmly helped take product from my laptop, converted it into something that would work on her computer and then printed it out. Sorry Char for being such a pain at the last minute, but you are good.
You see, these two, Nate and Desiree, are ardent baseball fans and wanted to be married in a replica of Coors Field where the Rockies play. It indeed was a sceinic venue for a wedding. The grounds crew had done a marvelous job and had the field prepared for play, or a wedding, whichever came first.
The crowd was told to come dressed casually and fun was in the air.
I must say that the wedding had a good balance of fun and deep meaning. I had scores of folks come to me and say that it was the most meaningful and or best wedding they had ever attended sighting the venue, the message, the ballpark organ music and on and on. I am so happy for the couple and know this is done deal. What a great concept they started with.
I should have told them "There's no flowers in basefall." Here I am in the stands waiting for the wedding to begin.
I'm going to start with some photos in no particular order because, well, that's the way blogger treats me. I tell it to put the picture here and it ends up there.
The first pic is of the field in it's ready to go state.
The lovely girl standing behind Desiree is her daughter. These three along with Bubba make the new family unit and I must say they are all winners.
My next post will be five photo's from the reception.
I'll leave you with the last paragraph from my message to the couple.
'Live, Laugh and Love, like there is no tomorrow, because eventually, that will be the case. Turn to God often, put your trust in him, and he will surely Bless this marriage from now until time immemorial. Be childlike, wonder at everything, Be in awe of Gods goodness.'