Sunday, November 22, 2009

The 2009 Crop Year Has Been Put To Bed

As of yesterday, Nov 22nd, it was officially too late to be picking corn.
We do still have everything full of corn. Examples would be the semi, the straight truck, the combine, and the auger wagon. But it's all inside buildings so not to worry. At least we're done.
The corn harvest was a record breaker in this area due to the copious amount of rainfall throughout the summer.
The soybean yields were also above average.
The planting was timely. The early growth was excellent. The early harvest period was tedious because the crops wouldn't dry down in the field.
We finally wore the growing season out.
I need 10 days of dry weather for field work. (which we probably won't get)
We have important folks coming for lunch on Thursday so we might just take the whole darned day off.
If ths seems like a dumb post...remember who wrote it and keep in mind it's really a diary entry for my future reference.
But best of all, Marilyn has laid in a supply of whipping cream.


Anonymous said...

Thank the Lord!

Now I hope you get a good price, or do you have that locked in?

Our neighbors got a good double harvest of rice this year. Their corn was good also.

My first year Banana grove has put on some good growth and I hope we get fruit next year.

Jerry in Texas said...

My brother finished corn yesterday. Many farmers are way behind him. Today he helped one of the neighbors try to get his crop in.

Kick back and have a happy turkey day!

EV said...

Knuckle bump on the great harvest. And a Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Cliff.

Rachel said...

Hoorah on the abundant crops Cliff! Glad you have it all in.

I hope you, Marilyn, and family (and important guests) have a wonderful Thanksgiving! :)

Unknown said...

The combines are still in the cornfields here, and the dryers running 24/7, or until the propane runs out. Looking close to done, and I can smell the manure spreaders at work. *gak* Love that country living.

Whipping cream is always a thing to celebrate. I'd take the day off just for that.

Dan said...

I don't know why Mom has laid down in whip cream, but I'm sure I don't want to know.

Ralph said...

Glad the crops are in but. . .taking the whole day off on Thursday seems a bit eccentric.

Jim said...

Enjoy that pumpkin pie! I am hearing the pumpkins were a bumper crop also. I am glad the crops are all in. I know you are happy.
I am headed off to the producer.

Paul Nichols said...

Ah, the farm life...what a great way to live. And you get whipping cream, too! Sorry I'm a little late here. Nice post.

nora leona said...

Congratulations on a bumper crop. And I'm glad you had enough vehicles to hold it all!

Peter said...

Just catching up now I have computer/internet access, good news about the good year... same here at Wudinna where Rex has about a week (2000 acres) to go, got held up for a few days with high moisture content which is unusual in SA summer.
Hope your thanksgiving was good, there is a lot to be thankful for.

Lanny said...

Whipping cream is vital to existence. Tell me do you have the most awesome kitchen appliance ever? It is a whip cream dispenser. Amazing tool and no home should be without one!

The "project" did not get the best of us, thanks for the concern. Almost done actually. Just a few touch ups and last fru-fru things.

Lucy Stern said...

Catching up on my reading here, Cliff... Glad you had a great harvest..