Monday, February 14, 2005

Just One Regret

Way back in 1969, I was with about ten guys in a dorm room, trying to get to know my new classmates in the Ag-Business class out in Curtis, Ne. It was the Univ. of Ne School of Tech. Ag. A stir was caused by one of the guys coming into the dorm room, (there was about ten of us in there just talking), he announced,"man you gotta see the girl sitting down in the office." The girl was a pretty brunette from Colorado. We all non-chalantly strolled by the office.
He was right. She was very attractive.
Dr Phil says men fall in love with their eyes and women fall in love with their ears. This is fortunate, I've always been a good talker. If women fell in love with their eyes, I never would have been able to talk that girl from Colorado into spending her life with me.
I've written and erased this part twice. It's difficult to put into words, what she has meant to me and our family. Like any marriage, we've had problems, but not serious ones. Finances have been tight more than a few times, (that goes with the farming game)but for the most part, it's been a great life with Marilyn. We've raised three wonderful kids and now they are raising kids. Life gets more interesting everyday. Thru all of the basketball, baseball, and football games, dog shows, horse shows, vacations, recitals, programs, planting seasons, harvests, and on and on, Marilyn and I have been together and cherished every moment. Raising our family has been our 'Job One'.
So to a great Wife, Mom, and Business Woman, I want you to know that given the chance, I'd do it all again. I'm glad you're my Valentine.
I have only one regret. We knew each other about a month before we started dating and fell in love. What were we waiting for?


bridgesitter said...

Cliff Thank you for posting such a wonderful love story. I think Marilyn made out pretty good too when she got you...;-)

Idgie @ the "Dew" said...

What a nice story! I hope Marilyn read this post - waay better than roses!