Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Old Dogs

Have you ever seen an old dog lay in the dirt and the shade, in the hot summer time? The flies have eaten the tips of his ears until they're raw. The dog becomes annoyed with the flies, and starts to snap at them. Actually trying to bite flies in mid air. Snap. Snap. Snap. There is not a chance that this will have an effect on the fly population, or help the dog in any way. He has never really ever made contact with a fly this way.
In our human world, the people snapping in the air and not helping their situation, are usually given the job of receptionist. If not receptionist, they are for sure dealing directly with the public. Why? Why are they always put where they must interact with society. How about moving them somewhere in the business where they deal with something more closely geared to their attitude. Say a forklift.
Marilyn and I talked about this last night on our way home from Omaha. It seems these same people, as they age', begin to hate 'old' people.
My take on the subject is this. To them, life has turned into summer television. All reruns. "I HATE RERUNS," they say, "I've seen this, turn to something else, nope, I've seen that too, Gimme the remote," click, click, click, click..............
My answer to this is simple. Cultivate your bad memory and forget almost everything that has ever happened to you. Then when looking at life you will spot something you've seen maybe ten times before, but will say, "Well I'll be darned, LOOK AT THAT!"


Anonymous said...

We have lots of old dogs here in Indiana. The two-legged kind you speak of.

You crack me up.

PinkCat said...


You always have such a great way of looking at life. Beleive it or not some of us younger friends see it too. I don't understand the way society is. I will try and hang on to your philosophy on re-runs in life. Thanks....

Have a great day. xx

EV said...

What a wise perspective , Cliff. Rude really has become the norm. I've been trying for some time to develop a lifestyle that doesn't require my presence.

Anonymous said...

I get to sit about 15 feet from one of those dogs each day. Many members of the public are counting the days until this one retires!

Dan said...

Dad, you're like a bomb with many fuses, rolling through a forest fire. Good point though.

Rachel said...

Cliff, you must have run into one of those old dogs!! It is sad isn't it. Some people seem to have never been taught manners. Or they get up on the wrong side of their cage every day.

eyes_only4him said...

oh cliff,
you always seem to mkae me smile..and i thank you mr farmer cliff..i thank you;)

Jim said...

I guess it would rerunning the bad scene in Omaha if you told us about it? Please, just this once?
I see a lot of new things that Mrs. Jim has seen many times before while she was with me. But that's not what you meant.
Really Cliff, you hit it right. And there isn't much we can do about it except go elsewhere. Telling them off might make us feel better?

Cliff said...

"I've been trying for some time to develop a lifestyle that doesn't require my presence" That is funny Mike.
Thanks to the rest of you. Being a student of human nature is typical for most of us. It does seem that some should get someone to film 24 hours of their life and then show it to them.

Peter said...

You have a very wise outlook for a youngster Cliff, might even develop into a thinker when you get a few more years under your belt.

Felecia said...

They hate little kids too.

I used to work near a public counter at a government office. ((*USED* to.))

(Look for my "The Big Red Button" post from a while back; it speaks volumes to what you've observed!)

Kendra Lynn said...

LOl...that is so great.
Scott has cultivated his bad memory..LOL. He forgets movies, books, people's names...etc. Then he enjoys seeing, reading, maybe even MEETING movies, books and people all over again.
Love it.


Dan said...

You need to update your profile from 3 to 4 grandkids.

Jamie Dawn said...

Snap, snap, snap...
Very annoying indeed!
I don't want to be like those old dogs.