We went to the Nebraska State Fair this weekend. It afforded us the opportunity to see the boys and their families. Dan and family and his Mom (my Bride) surprised me with this.A 366 page paperback filled with the first two years of my blog. A company in Lincoln did the 'code' for it and had it published. The neat thing is it can be purchased and they'll print and ship it within 5 days. This one made it in just 3 days. Dan had one of my blog pictures put on the cover as he is aware of my love for horses. Not.
I suppose that if I had known they were going to do this I would have frantically gone back and tried to fix all of the errors and may have changed some content and then I guess it wouldn't have been a copy of my blog.
It thrilled me. It cemented my belief that anyone can write a book. Of course Al Franken had already proven that. And I think this is at least as insignificant as anything he ever wrote.
I then went to the State Fair the next day, saw a vacant picnic table, and had a great idea.I held the first Cliff Morrow's Blog...Book signing. The only signing that went on was a smart alec high school kid when I asked him if he wanted me to sign something for him. Dan found out from Marilyn what I was doing and he said, "Uh Dad, there are only two copies of that book, one is in the showroom of the guys who did the work here in Lincoln. The other is in the car. Let's do this later."
SO...I went in search of someone who may have heard of me. I couldn't believe that someone hadn't recognized me. Where were the paparazzi?? I'm a published author for crying out loud! I went into the beef barn and asked 'Ol Heat Seeker.
"What's a Blog? Cliff Who? Nope, can't say as I have."
I went into the Cabella's tent and asked 'Spot' if he'd ever heard of me. Nope. By the way, not a very nice Zebra.
My Grandaughter was eating some University of Nebraska Food Science Department ice cream. No she hadn't heard of my book and further more "If you come one inch closer to my ice cream you're going to be eating that camera Grandpa!" She didn't want to hear about my book.
Well I guess you folks who read my blog have heard of me. Most of you are mentioned in it from time to time. It was a quick 2 years and a lot of fun. I told Marilyn that I would love to be able to read a document like this, written by my Great-great-great Grandpa. Someday I guess that might happen. Thanks for sharing my life to here all you Blog Kids. I hope to meet up with someday.
Okay Everyone...All skate.
Congratulations, Cliff!
That is a wonderful present of a wonderful book.
I suppose a lot of us think about printing all our blogs out and fastening them together.
You have a book of yours! I would take your autograph, those guys--funny ones and all--should have (not your book, Marilyn was right on that).
Hi Cliff, what a fantastic gift idea that book will be worth it's weight in gold, hope its heavy, to the future generations of your family.
Congratulations Cliff!! The book signing photo is a hoot. I delete my posts so that won't be happening here soon. I have thought about using My Publisher to put a coffee table book together of seminal family moments in photographs. Both the Wisconsin and Texas State Fairs have been big favorites of mine. That sounds like a super time.
That Marilyn, she is always thinking! What a great idea! You now have your witty style and words to pass on to the future generations of Morrows. How wonderful, your stories live on, and you will always have a "voice" in your family.
How exciting Cliff!! What a nice gift! Sorry that no one showed up for the book signing. Gosh gee, they don't know what a best seller it will be! The look on your face with the zebra is priceless!!
Glad you enjoyed the fair and congratulations on being a published author!! Personally I LOVE the cover. It is perfect!!
I'll buy a copy but I want it signed!!
Loved the book signing. Looks like you're doing as well as Cindy Sheehan. I want to purchase a copy. Then I can say I knew you before you went all Hollywood on us.
Congratulations. You're an author!
Cliff Morrow's Blog Book $18.01
A Signed Copy $13.45
Hearing your friends say "Cliff Who!!"
The New York Times gives it " 2 thumbs up"
Britnee Speers said "I couln't read it, literally."
John Kerry Said " I hate it!" then he bought 2 signed copies.
Seriously though, nice blog, good pictures, fun to read. The book is awesome. A must have.
Congrats on the fame, Cliff! I have been lurking (and deeply enjoying your wit, family perspective, and down-home values) for probably the entire ride now, and I think that if anyone deserves to be memorialized on paper, TIS YOU!! =D Here's to the beginning of your NEXT book!!
I am setting here in awe. Not only can I now say I know a published author. I can also say I knew him back when. Seriously, that is really neat. Make sure you get extra copies to hand down to the next generation. Marilyn should be get a great big pat on the back for this one.
i am awaiting my own persnal sigend copy.
Well, when I eat my birthday cake, today I already was thinking of you b/c I love chocolate and if I was there, you all'd make it not me. hehe Now, I'll think even moreso, as I imagine book signings.
I'm sure many would love an autographed copy, as bossy mentions above. I know I would.I also know someday we'll meet, but you need to promise to return my hubby to me, b/c he loves a guy w/ good sense of humor!
P.S. sorry I can't purchase right now- 2 kids in college, appliances talking to each other as their parts break as badly as my body... but keep me in mind! :D
You're kids are one step ahead of the rest of the world. Good for them.
My Other Blog is exactly that. It's for my kids and grandkids and their grandkids and their... I guess you notice I don't post there anymore.
That's very impressive!
Wish I could get my blog book published!
...but who would read it? I can't even get my family to read my daily blogs...so don't guess they'd be too thrilled with a whole book of my blogs! :(
That rocks!
I romantacized the whole idea of journaling for my grandkids to find in a musty attic and read and think, "Wow, Gran was a kickin' ol' lady!" I jumped the blogwagon when it got so easy, after a trial run at the earlier, buggier Blogger. I just coded html to our own site for a while. This is way easier.
When the booksigning tour gets this far north, give us a heads up and I'll grab Bossy and we'll line up at your table and shove other people out of the way to be in your awe-inspiring presence. Or something.
Cliff ~ I love the BLOOGER BOOK they did for you. That is very nice! ~ jb///
What a cool present! Wish somebody would do that for me ;)
Your family WUVS you!!
That is a terrific present.
The cow and zebra were just jealous. Of COURSE they've heard of you. I mean... WHO hasn't???!!
Keep on blogging. A sequel will be out in two years.
what a wonderful thing your family did for you. how neat to have around in paperback. and my signed copy is where????
congrats on your first book. I ordered one yesterday. I hope you get a cut. Marty.
Very nifty idea!
My question is: how did they pull all the stories down? Does Blogger have some way to do an export? And are comments included?
OK, I guess that wasn't just one question.
Yep, I think Marty deserves some piece of Cliff's new publishing empire. But I'm going to have to disagree with the anonymous poster -- I think he should have a copy of the book instead of a cut of the profits.
Somehow I think the profits should go to Marilyn.
The only profiting going on here is by the readers of the book. The profit of gaining crucial knowledge about how life should be lived, about how family and friends are our most important assets, about how a simple life on the farm can help us concentrate on these assets and prepare our children for the future. LOL! Ohhh, I had ya! C'mon, we're talking about Cliff's Blog here. Get a copy, have a laugh and maybe some tears.
Show it to your computer illiterate friends!!
Yes Dan, you did have me there for a moment!! Looks like the apple didn't fall far from the tree!!
Congratulations, Cliff!
I knew you had it in you! What an inspiration - I will be seeking it in hard cover at my nearest Barnes & Noble.
I just received my copy in the mail. Cafepress rox on their quick free shipping. I like the format; very professionally done!
The book is smaller than I expected. Much like when I first met Cliff in person. I think the internet adds 10 lbs.
Congratulations, my friend. You have a real written legacy. It's a dandy!
What a beautiful gift!
I have missed you.
Have a wonderful day!
(=':'=) hugs
(")_ (")Š from da Cool Raggedy one
That's cool, but it scares me:
I hope nobody makes a book out of my rants!
What a great idea! Your posts keep me smiling and would make a great book! You could sell them and do something significant with the proceeds.... Seriously, I would buy one!
Wonderful news, Cliff!
How do I get mine? I've been reading your stories to my Sweetie. Now they're in a permanent form; he can read them to me!
Congratulations on your anniversary, too.
Best, Susi
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