Monday, November 26, 2012

New Kennel Progress Report- Ready For The Tin



Granny Annie said...

Wowie, wow, wow, wow!!!

Lee said...

It's getting there....

Huge job!

Ralph said...

That's is going up pretty fast. Marilyn is really going to like it.

Donna. W said...

I'm impressed. That's HUGE! Looks to me like your wife has a full-time business.

Jerry in Texas said...

That is going to be one impressive building, Cliff!

eim said...

Would hold a lot of hay!

Jim said...

Wow! It looks a lot bigger than I could imagine when looking at grade preps.

In fact it looks sooooo big that I am sure there is room for a nice shop and man room someplace by the lane.

Live Well, Laugh Often and Love Much said...

Pretty Great ! Can't wait to see the finished product.

EV said...

Rin Tin "Tin", that is. This kennel is awesome, guys. You can tell I'm jealous, huh? It's fun watching the building progress.