Actually the globe, (the one in my left hand not the one on top of my jacket) was on it's way to a garage sale in Lincoln. We didn't need it anymore. A lot of the countries were incorrect and it still has the United States on it. It could really be useless in just a few more years.
The upper 50's are forecast for today. Our states residents are giddy. I've got to go dust off the clubs.
PS: For those of you watching national politics I have a definition of terms for you: Closing Loopholes for businesses means "changing the tax code to raise taxes on businesses even more." The wrong direction once again. However, we don't need to pay taxes anymore it seems. Nothing will be done to you if you don't. All one needs do is plead Ignorance. But 'ignoance' sure works and is believable for the ones caught so far.
The problem I have when I need to use the globe is making turns in the car causes the globe to turn around and I loose my place. And when I use the dashboard mount it sorta blocks my view
The United States is changing at a rapid pace. It's frightening! Let's hope there's enough U.S. Americans with enough smarts to see what's happening and enough moxy to speak out against it.
The Reverend and I leave for AR on Thursday. I've enjoyed southern CA weather immensely! We'll be heading back in a few weeks to spend Courtney's spring break in CA as a family. After that, it's back to AR where hopefully the cold will be gone, gone, gone.
I hope those 50 degree temps stay around for you for quite awhile. You and Marilyn can get out your lawn chairs and slather on some oil and work on your tans.
Check out "The Back Nine" for some insights on golf.
Prophetic, Cliff. Your are wise in that you realize we have crossed the point of no return. The same politicians that wag their fingers at bankers and CEOs, engaged (and continue to engage) in the same behavior. The goose that laid the golden egg has been slit open. The administration begged Communist China to continue to buy our debt – which they don’t want. Mexico will soon collapse and release a tsunami of unimaginable and nightmarish proportion on our citizens. Historic awareness is non-existent. We have become an illiterate, easily led, society with only 50% of students graduating from high school in large cities. The perpetrators of the USS Cole bombing will go free. The long suffering glee club in Guantanamo will soon be released to pursue their agenda. As the crowds chase entitlement carrots, their children’s future has been sealed. Carpe diem, Cliff …. Get out on the course before rhetoric has the high-speed head on collision with reality.
I think Cliff is just carrying the globe to offset the weight of the laptop in his other hand. Otherwise, he'd be going in circles.
Or maybe he's singing to himself: "I've got the whole wide world in my hands."
Cliff, you missed your calling as a stand up comedian!!! Hilarious!
"He's got the whole worl' in His hands...He's got the whole worl' in His hands...da-da-da-dah da-da...hum-dee-dee...whole worl' in His hands.
My globe sits on the piano for the cats to knock down on a regular basis. Cat toy and GPS: multifunctional!
Sorry Cliff, if I were to plead ignorance, I'd end up in jail...I just don't have the clout some of those politicans have.
I'm glad that you didn't try to use your "globe" as a GPS unit, you would never get to where you were going. Let's see, type in the address and let her
You are funny Cliff! I do not see a globe on top of your jacket??? Just a full head of beautiful hair. How's that for making you feel better?
I fear you are right about our country. It frightens me. We have numbskulls in DC.
I've never lost or misplaced my Tom Tom since I got it. I use it alot. I did get into a fight with it the other day when it had me circling a block a few times. It has a women's voice so naturally it won.
Ralph, can I quote you on that. You might be in trouble if Char starts reading my blog.
maybe when the world stops buying our debt, we will stop creating it---yeahh, I aint holding my breath for that one.
Oddly enough your posts (and most of the comments) cheer me a little about our situation in this country these days!...It's just a little comforting and encouraging to know that there are still a few people who can see what's happening!
I wish things could turn around... It's a scary thing we're in right now!
This country is getting really scary and theres nothing that we can do to stop the craziness. I don't own a globe,I never had a need for one. I can't even read a map.
I don't stop by all that often, even while Lucy's reading all this stuff out loud and laughing half the time. That part about the Globe being out of date, it still showing the United States had be slapping a knee. Thanks for having a warped sense of humor.
I like your "GPS system." What did you get for it at the garage sale?
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