The following pictures are pretty typical early spring sights along I-80, as you cross Nebraska. (The Great Platte River Road)
When we went west last week, Marilyn shot these out of the car window.
The first three pics are of Sandhills Cranes. They fairly saturate the mid portion of the 300+ mile trip across the state.
The last picture is of geese which also cover the same area. These are a combination of Snows, Blues, and Canada's.
Even though it stretches for over a hundred miles this is not a sanctuary. It is a good example of what leaving well enough alone can do for nature. For this you can thank Nebraska Farmers not the Government. The migration has continued for thousands of years with this stop along the Platte River to feed and gain strength and weight before they continue the flight. The geese darkened the sky at times because of their great numbers.
Great pictures of the Sandhills Cranes. I thought you might have posted a picture of trophy. Guess not.
Geese are such high and strong fliers and so majestic in flight. I've often wished I could join them - really.
I know, iamasillygoose.
nice to know there are still some places where nature can thrive. Those geese would kill La Guardia, not that that would be a bad thing.
Thanks for the pictures. Looks a bit like Eastern Washington and the flocks of Canada geese my father introduced Dirt to twenty-nine years ago.
Great photos!!! A hobby of mine!
And I thought all the Canadian Geese were living here, lol. One of the twins asked the hubs what they were doing in a field this winter, and he replied, "Eating up my seed wheat son."
Nice photos. I have been watching all of the geese during my drive to and from work each day. You got your deer for the year, it' not deer hunting season yet!
We go out hunting with the camera quite often but rarely do I get a shot as good as those!
So, what did you do with that poor deer that "Ran into you"? Did you bring your prize catch home?....
I love watching the birds migrate...They are so beautiful. Have a great week, Cliff and don't procrastinate.
Your personal stall here at the body shop is ready for you sir.
Great pics. Do we get a prize if we count all the gooses?
We've been worrying about you and praying for you since that big blizzard earlier this week. You OK? River far enough away? Let us know.
Great photos Cliff. The second photo is my favorite. How wonderful that they can stop over there and find food. Hoorah for farmers!
Too bad about the poor deer. I'm sure she didn't mean to hit you. Dan says your stall is ready though! Nice to have two body men in the family, eh?
I'm thinking those geese drop a lot of good fertilizer on Nebraska farmland.
Pretty pics!!
Your version of deer hunting is a lot different than Arkansans' version. We have these things called guns.
Great pictures. This is always one fowl sign of spring :).
Very nice drive-by shooting, Marilyn! Nice photos.
I cannot wait to see the Sandhill cranes, and will be in Kenesaw Easter Sunday. I am guessing we will see plenty. My children will be in for a treat.
I actually called your son today, as I needed a referral to a good mechanic in Lincoln. We had a nice chat, and he was very helpful.
Cliff, look hard at some of these pictures and see if you don't have any ducks you could line There has got to be at least 3 or 4 ducks in with that mass of birds.
Jim says that it is always the poor deer's fault. My Aunt Lois says that the deer is always running into her. Like she doesn't have eyes and brakes??
Is it true that there are more birds in Nebraska than cattle. We wouldn't allow that in Texas, we keep them pretty well killed off for eating. Except the whooping cranes, people get jail time for shooting them in the sanctuary.
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