Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Youngest child, Tom, his sister in-law, and Marilyn decide to try to set up Dad's new tent, before he tries to do it himself. They are fearful it could land in the lake, if I did it. Older son taking pic, me in background preparing to Dutch Oven a nice sized piece of prime rib.


bridgesitter said...

You sound a abit like me Cliff. I always get tangled up in vacuum cords, clothes get stuck in the car when I shut the door, my overall loops catch on cabinet doors. I'm a wreck when it comes to being handy at things that need putting together.

Rhodent said...

Have you ever done cobbler in your dutch oven? My son, Matt does a great peach cobbler!

Cliff said...

Rhodent, yes we often do the peach cobbler. It's funny that people will stand in the wilderness with you and state that "this is possibly the best dessert I've ever had. No heart to tell them it's a dump in the stuff, stir a little and cook. Son Tom, in a couple of the above pics likes to make it while camping. 7 coals on top, 12 coals underneath. 40 minutes.