Part of the"MORROWBORO' herd. Poor things, nothing to eat. Here's the deal. We have the two women in our family who ride horses. Does this make sense...I think not. THIS ISN'T EVEN ALL OF THEM!!!
About being a Farmer, County Supervisor, Husband, Father, Grandfather, and pretty darned average Blog Author. If blogging was easy, everyone would be doing it. And we are.
lucky ladies, nice partial herd! more pix please, i'd like to see another shot of that liver chesnut in the background center and swap some horse stories with the ladies!
I think they're all lovely. And of course only 2 women need all those horses! We need to pet them, and brush them, and play with them and hug them, and on and on.
Looking at this picture has me "GLUED" to my seat.
Beautiful horses! You are lucky!
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