As we wait for spring here in Nebraska, just a reminder that we have this to look forward to. Marilyn shot this picture last year, about a quarter mile west of our lane, looking west.
About being a Farmer, County Supervisor, Husband, Father, Grandfather, and pretty darned average Blog Author. If blogging was easy, everyone would be doing it. And we are.
In early october I went into a little shop here in town that sells original oil paintings. They are original but mass produced. Any way they had the typical ones, giant flowers and vases, waterfalls, westerns that sort of thing. I asked the guy "you have any pictures of hay bales?" He looked at me kind of funny and said "we don't get many requests for hay bale pictures". What does he know. Great photo Marilyn 8-)
Oh yeah Cliff, sorry your feeling poorly. Get well soon...
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