My friend Greg, who comments regularly, lives in Angoon Alaska. My latest blog about the eagles prompted him to send a few pictures. This one is of Hood Mountain taken from Favorite Bay. Hopefully Greg will leave a comment about this beautiful area or each picture. Some of us have felt sorry for him, up in Alaska, in the winter, Up until now. Wow. His view from the porch (below) is a stark contrast to what we have to look at.
Don't feel sorry for Greg, just laugh at him. I bet he would trade his view for a beer about now :)
Other then being totally serene when looking at this picture, it reminds me of a sleeping giant covered in a blanket of snow. Beautiful picture Greg.
Thank you for posting these. I am glad that everyone likes them. It is really pretty here. About the only thing that is missing is a golf course. I REALLY miss that!!
Greg, You have an enviable view. As far as the golf course goes, I too miss them right now but usually within the first two rounds of the year I'm back to wondering why I do that.
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